Later invention for Alexender

He invented the telephone and he also invented a way to help deaf people hear. Bells successes include:

  1. The photo phone (a device used for transmitting sound via light)
  2. He improved the Edison phonograph to make it commercially viable
  3. Improved wing design for airplane flight
  4. Developed hydrofoil technology
  5. Improved breeding practices for sheep breeders
  6. He designed an airplane called the Silver Dart
  7. Telephone-1876
  8. First crude metal detector- 1881
  9. Audiometer (to detect minor hearing problems) a small device that can tell if there
  10. Are problems with your hearing - the audio graph for detecting deafness
  11. Metal jacket(to assist in breathing) the forerunner of the iron lung
  12. Hydrofoils and Hydroplanes- 1908