Sunday 25 April 2010

Alexander Graham Bell

Alexander Graham Bell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland on 3rd March. In 1864 Bell began work as a teacher at Elgin's Western House Academy. Four years later he moved to London where he became his father's assistant. Bell's health began to deteriorate and as both his brothers both died of tuberculosis, and in 1870 the family decided to emigrate to Canada.They settled in Brantford, Ontario, and Bell's health immediately began to improve. In 1883 Bell invented the graph phone, the first practical system of sound recording. The laboratory also experimented with flat disc records, electroplating records, and impressing permanent magnetic fields on records (an early type of tape recorder). In 1898 Bell became president of the National Geographical Society. With the help of Gilbert Grosvenor, his future son-in-law, Bell established the illustrated National Geographic Magazine.(1)